Patient Testimonials

Louise Levy is the best audiologist I’ve ever worked with. She is smart, cutting edge, insightful, thorough, and patient. I am an ENT physician who was born with a moderate hearing loss. I have been seeing audiologists my whole life. When I moved to Manhattan, I tried academic hospital-based audiologists and a bunch of private practice ones, so I’ve seen the gamut – and none were as good as Louise Levy. She does the work herself (no students practicing on you) and is attentive, caring, and interested in getting you matched with the appropriate hearing aids. I am so happy I found her. Her recommendations for my new hearing aids and their new features have been life changing. She is the best audiologist I know in NYC – and that means a lot coming from a seasoned ear, nose and throat doctor!

Dr. G

When you have a child with learning difficulties, you need more than accurate testing – you need someone who is sensitive to the many aspects of their lives that shift and change through the years. My son began seeing Louise when he was eight. Hearing is critical to language development and reading and my son struggled to relate the words he was hearing to the words on the page. Accurate testing and correct hearing help made all the difference to his early learning. As he grew, social issues with his hearing became more important and Louise was able to understand – and possibly even more importantly – to predict what his needs would be and how to solve them. Louise’s understanding of his growth and development meant that he was able to get those needs consistently met throughout his entire primary and secondary education. My son is now in his freshman year of college and Louise has stayed with us every step of the way. She has been an invaluable resource both for my son for me personally. It’s not easy having a child with difficulties and having someone who both understands and genuinely helps is nothing short of a godsend.

Mila Harris

Louise Levy is an invaluable resource and supportive guide to living with hearing aids. She is a great problem solver, and she is eager to help you find a hearing aid that meets your particular work/life challenges. Thank you, Louise, for your wisdom and expertise and positive attitude.

Melissa R.

I truly believe that meeting Louise Levy was a life-changing event for my daughter “B” and me. We discovered at the age of 6 that B has a permanent, inoperable hearing loss in one ear. Although we’d seen many ENTs and Audiologists over the following year, only once or twice had someone suggested a hearing aid for B. I figured she was young and she compensated with her other ear so it wasn’t really necessary. Upon meeting Louise, we were immediately informed about how much this hearing loss affected all aspects of B’s life. Louise fitted B with a hearing aid and worked with her school and the DOE to make sure B would get additional services to help her thrive in her school setting. My daughter had already been identified as having learning disabilities, ADHD, anxiety and a whole host of other issues. Louise immediately referred us to a leading Audio Processing Disorder specialist who is helping my daughter hear and listen in a whole new way. I am confident that with B’s hearing aid and the APD therapy, she has a brighter and easier future in front of her.